Pablo Román Asenjo

(+56) 2 2718 0945
Asignaturas que imparte
• Métodos de programación
• Computación Científica y Ciencia de Datos
• Técnicas de Ingeniería en Software
• Técnicas de Ingeniería en Software
• Técnicas de Ingeniería en Software
• Técnicas de Ingeniería en Software
Áreas de interés
• Informática aplicada en Biología y Medicina
• Biología computacional
• Informática aplicada en Biología y Medicina
• Biología computacional
• Informática aplicada en Biología y Medicina
• Biología computacional
• Informática aplicada en Biología y Medicina
• Biología computacional
• Informática aplicada en la Ciencia
• Biología computacional
Desarrollo de línea de investigación en Astrofísica Computacional en el Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, mención Informática
Efficient algorithms for compressed sensing image synthesis
- Fondecyt Regular 1171841, “Efficient algorithms for compressed sensing image synthesis”, 2017, Investigador principal
- Conicyt 79160119, Proyecto de Inserción en la Académia (PAI), 2017, Investigador
- Fondecyt postdoctoral 3140634, 2014, Investigador responsable
- ALMA-Conicyt postdoctoral 31120006, Investigador postdoctoral
- S. Casassus, C. Wright, S. Marino, S. T. Maddison, A. Wootten, Pablo E. Román, S. Perez, P. Pinilla, M. Wyatt, V. Moral, F. Menard, V. Christiaens, L. Cieza, G. van der Plas, 2015, “A compact concentration of large grains in the HD142527 protoplanetary dust trap”, The Astrophysical Journal, 812(2), pp 126, (ISI)
- S. Casassus, S. Marino, S. Perez, Pablo E. Román, A. Dunhill, P. Armitage, J. Cuadra, A. Wootten, G. van der Plas, L. Cieza, V. Moral, V. Christiaens, M. Montesinos, 2015, “Accretion kinematics through the warped transition disk in HD142527 from resolved CO(6-5) observations”, The Astrophysical Journal, 811(2), pp 92, (ISI)
- S. Perez, A. Dunhill, S. Casassus, Pablo E. Román, J. Szulgyi, C. Flores, S. Marino, M. Montesinos, 2015, “Planet formation signposts: observability of circumplanetary disks via gas kinematics”, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 811(1), (ISI)
- S. Marino, S. Casassus, S. Perez, W. Lyra, Pablo E. Román, H. Avenhaus, C. M. Wright, S. T. Maddison, 2015, “Compact dust concentration in the MWC 758 protoplanetary disk”, The Astrophysical Journal, 803(1), page 76. (ISI)
- H. Canovas, M. R. Schreiber, C. Caceres, F. Menard, C. Pinte, G. S. Mathews, L. Cieza, S. Casassus, A. Hales, J. P. Williams, Pablo E. Román, A. Hardy, 2015, “Gas inside the 97 au cavity around the transition disk Sz 91”, The Astrophysical Journal; 805(1):21. (ISI)
- S. Perez, S. Casassus, F. Menard , Pablo E. Román , G. Van Der Plas, L. Cieza, C. Pinte, V. Christaens, A. S. Hales, 2015, “CO Gas inside the protoplanetary disk cavity in HD 142527: disk structure from ALMA”; 798(2):85. (ISI)
- M. Carcamo, F. R. Rannou, Pablo E. Román, V. Moral, S. Casassus, 2015, “High performance GPU Bayesian image synthesis”, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), pp. 264-268, (SCOPUS)
- Pablo E. Román and Juan D. Velásquez, 2014, “A neurology-inspired model of web usage,” Neurocomputing, Vol. 131, Pages 300-311. (ISI)
- Pablo E. Román, Robert F. Dell, and Juan D. Velásquez, Pablo Loyola, 2014, “Identifying user sessions from web server logs with integer programming,” Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol.18 Issue 1, pp 43-61. (ISI)
- Tomas Arce, Pablo E. Román, Juan D. Velásquez, and Victor Parada, 2014, “Identifying web sessions with simulated annealing”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 41, Issue: 4 part 2, pp. 1593-1600, (ISI)
- Pablo E. Román, T. Asahi, S. Casassus, 2014, “Hermite-Gaussian functions for image synthesis”, Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2014 Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA), (SCOPUS)
- Simon Casassus, Gerrit van der Plas, Sebastian Perez, M William R. F. Dent, Ed Fomalont, Janis Hagelberg, Antonio Hales, Andrés Jordán, Dimitri Mawet, Francois Ménard, Al Wootten, David Wilner, A. Meredith Hughes, Matthias R. Schreiber, Julien H. Girard, Barbara Ercolano, Hector Canovas, Pablo E. Román, Vachail Salinas, 2013, “Flows of gas through a protoplanetary gap”, NATURE, Number 493, pp. 191-194, (ISI)
- Pablo Loyola, Pablo E. Román, and Juan D. Velásquez, 2012, “Predicting Web User Behavior Using Learning-Based Ant Colony Optimization,” Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 25, Issue 5, Pages 889-897. (ISI)
- Pablo E. Román, Miguel E. Gutiérrez, and Sebastián A. Rios, 2012, “A model for content generation in On-line social network”. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA) series, Vol. 243, pag. 756-765 – IOS Press. (SCOPUS)
- Pablo E. Román, and Juan D. Velásquez, 2012, “A cognitive model of the web user”. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA) series, Vol. 243, pag. 605-614 – IOS Press. (SCOPUS)
- Loyola, P., Pablo E. Román, Velásquez, J.D.; , 2011, ”Clustering-Based Learning Approach for Ant Colony Optimization Model to Simulate Web User Behavior,” Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on, vol.1, pp.457-464, 22-27, (SCOPUS)
- Pablo E. Román and Juan D. Velásquez, 2010, “Stochastic Simulation of Web Users,” Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on , vol.1, no., pp.30-33, (SCOPUS)
- Robert F. Dell, Pablo E. Román, and Juan D. Velásquez, 2009, “Web User Session Reconstruction with Back Button Browsing,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5711/2009, pp. 326- 332, (ISI)
- Robert F. Dell, Pablo E. Román and Juan D. Velásquez, 2008, “Web User Session Reconstruction Using Integer Programming,” Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology. WI-IAT ’08. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference, vol.1, pp.385-388. (SCOPUS)
- S. Casassus, Pablo E. Román, A. Osses, J. Silva, “High resolution interferometry in ALMA”, Inverse Problem in Physical Science (IP-Phys), 3 Aug 2015, Santiago-Chile (
- Pablo E. Román “NonParametric Models in Image Synthesis”, ALMA-CASA Workshop, Pontificia Universidad Catolica, 12 Sept 2013, Chile.
- Pablo E. Román “Image synthesis in radio interferometry”, First La Serena School for Data Science (Applied Tools for Astronomy), August 12-13 2013, AURA, Chile.
- Pablo E. Román “Current Trends in Radio Image Synthesis,” Invited Lecture. International Meeting of AstroStatistics in Valparaiso (IMAV) 2013.
- Pablo E. Román and Juan D. Velásquez, “A Dynamic Stochastic Model Applied to the Analysis of the Web User Behaviour,” Invited Lecture. ADVANCES IN INTELLIGENT WEB MASTERING – 2, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2010, Volume 67/2010, pp. 31- 39, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-10687-3_3
- Pablo E. Román, and Juan D. Velásquez. “A Web Browsing Cognitive Model”. Chapter 4 in Knowledge Engineering, Machine Learning and Lattice Computing with Applications series, LNCS 7828, KES 2012 Revised Selected Papers, pag. 31-40.
- Pablo E. Román, and Juan D. Velásquez, “Cognitive science in the study of web usage,” Chapter 4 in “Advances Techniques in Web Intelligence – 2,” Studies in Computational Intelligence, V. Palade, J.D. Vel ́asquez, and L. Jain Eds.; Springer Verlag, 42 pages. 2013, Volume 452/2013, 35-73,
- Pablo E. Román, and Juan D. Velásquez, Vasile Palade, and Lakhmi C. Jain “New Trends in Web User Behaviour Analysis,” Chapter 1 in “Advances Techniques in Web Intelligence – 2,” Studies in Computational Intelligence, V. Palade, J.D. Vel ́asquez, and L. Jain Eds.; Springer Verlag, 10 pages. , 2013, Volume 452/2013, 1-10,
- Pablo E. Román, Robert F. Dell and Juan D. Velásquez, “Advanced Technique in Web Data Pre-Processing and Cleaning,” Chapter in the book “Advances Techniques in Web Intelligence-1,” J.D. Vel ́asquez and L. Jain Ed., Springer Verlag, Volume 311, 2010, pp 19- 48.
- Pablo E. Román, G. LHuillier and Juan D. Velásquez; “Web Usage Mining; Chapter in book “Advances in Techniques in Web Intelligence-1,” J.D. Vel ́asquez and L. Jain Ed., Springer Verlag, Volume 311, 2010, pp 143- 165.
- Pablo E. Román and Juan D. Velásquez, “Analysis of the Web User Behavior with a Psychologically-Based Diffusion Model. AAAI Fall Symposium Series, North America, oct. 2009. Available at:
- Robert F. Dell, Pablo E. Román, and Juan D. Velásquez, “Fast Combinatorial Algorithm for Web User Session Reconstruction,” p. 2; 2009; Procs. Of the 24th IFIP TC7 Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Page 91-92. With oral presentation by Pablo E. Román
- Pablo E. Román, Simon Casassus. “Image Synthesis of Full ALMA”. Fourth CMM Pucón Symposium 2015. Puerto Varas, Chile, Aug. 25-28
- M. Carcamo, F. Rannou, Pablo E. Román, Simon Casassus. “High Performance GPU Image Synthesis: The MEM Algorithm”. Fourth CMM Pucón Symposium 2015. Puerto Varas, Chile, Aug. 25-28
- Sebastián Perez, Pablo E. Román, Simon Casassus. “P31 – ALMA Estimate of the Gap Depth in the DH142527 Protoplanetary Disk”. Transformational Science with ALMA: From Dust to Rocks to Planets Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems. Hawai, USA, Apr. 8-12, 2013
- Pablo E. Román, Simon Casassus. “Current Trends in Radio Image Synthesis”. International Meeting of AstroStatistics in Valparaso (IMAV). Valparaiso, Chile, May. 6-10, 2013
- Pablo E. Román, Simon Casassus. “Non-parametric models in image synthesis”. Third CMM Puc ́on Symposium 2013: Advanced Tools Applied to Frontier Astronomy, BioMedicine and Massive Data-driven Sciences. Pucon, Chile, Aug. 20, 2013
- Sebastián Perez, Pablo E. Román, Simon Casassus. “ALMA estimate of the gap depth in the HD142527 protoplanetary disk”. The first year of ALMA Science. Puerto Varas, Chile, Dec. 12-15, 2012
- Pablo E. Román. 2012, “El problema de síntesis de fourier en radio – astronomía y su resolución mediante métodos variacionales”. Journal of the Chilean Institute of Operation Research (JCIOR). Vol. 2, Num. 1, pag. 13-19, ISSN: 718-9605
- Miguel E. Gutiérrez, Pablo E. Román, and Sebastián A. Rios. “Toward a simulation of online social network dynamics”. Jornadas Chilena de Computacion (JCC-2012), Valparaiso, Chile
- Pablo E. Román and Juan D. Velásquez, 2010,“The Time Course of the Web User,” Procs. Of the Second Workshop on Time Use Observatory (TUO2), Chillan, Chile. With oral presentation by Pablo E. Román
- Pablo E. Román and Juan D. Velásquez, “Artificial Web User Simulation and Web Usage Mining,” 2010, Procs. Of the First Workshop in Business Analytics and Optimization (BAO 2010), Santiago, Chile. With oral presentation by Pablo E. Román
- E. Andaur, S. Rios, Pablo E. Román and Juan D. Velásquez, “Best Web Site Structure for Users Based on a Genetic Algorithm Approach,” 2010, Procs. Of the First Workshop in Business Analytics and Optimization (BAO), Santiago, Chile. Eng. Degree of E. Andaur with Co-Guidance by Pablo E. Román
- Pablo Loyola, Pablo E. Román, and Juan D. Velásquez, 2010, “Ant Colony Surfer: Discovering the Distribution of Text Preferences from Web Usage,” In Procs. Of the First Workshop in Business Analytics and Optimization (BAO), Santiago, Chile. Eng. Degree of P. Loyola with Co-Guidance by Pablo E. Román
- Robert F. Dell, Pablo E. Román, and Juan D. Velásquez; 2009, “Un método de optimización lineal entera para el análisis de sesiones de usuarios web,” Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas, 23(1), pp. 109-124.
- Pablo E. Román, Ivan Piñeiro and Víctor Fuenzalida, 1992, “Barium thin film incorporation at titanium substrate,” p. 11, Proceedings of VIII Chilean Physics workshop, Num.127, Vol.1, SOCHIFI-Scientia, Valparaiso, Chile.
- Robert F. Dell, Pablo E. Román and Juan D. Velásquez, “Optimization Models for Construction and Analysis of Web User Sessions,” p. 1; 2009; Procs. 11th Informs Computing Society Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
- Robert F. Dell, Pablo E. Román and Juan D. Velásquez, “Identifying Web User Session using an Integer programming Approach,” p. 3, Procs. Of The XIV Latin Ibero American Congress on Operations Research (CLAIO 2008), Cartagena, Colombia
- Pablo E. Román, and Juan D. Velásquez, “Markov Chain for modelling the Web User Behaviour,” p. 3; Procs. Of The XIV Latin Ibero-American Congress on Operations Research (CLAIO 2008), Cartagena, Colombia
- Pablo E. Rom ́an and Juan D. Vel ́asquez, “Improving a Web Site using Keywords,” p. 6, Procs. XIII Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano de Investigacion Operativa CLAIO 2006, Montevideo, Uruguay.